Librería | Versión |
adios | 1.13.1 |
Anaconda2 | 5.1.0 |
Anaconda3 | 5.1.0 |
Anaconda3 | 5.3.0 |
arpack | 3.1.3 |
atlas | 3.10.1 |
autotools | |
boost | 1.67.0 |
charliecloud | 0.2.4 |
clustershell | 1.8 |
cmake | 3.11.1 |
EasyBuild | 3.6.1 |
fftw2 | 2.1.5 |
fftw | 3.3.7 |
fftw | 3.3.8 |
gmp | 6.0.0 |
gnu | 5.4.0 |
gnu7 | 7.3.0 |
gsl | 2.4 |
hdf5 | 1.10.2 |
hwloc | 1.11.10 |
hypre | 2.14.0 |
imb | 2018.1 |
intelmpi | 2018.3.222 |
Java | 1.8.0_172 |
lapack | 3.4.2 |
likwid | 4.3.2 |
llvm5 | 5.0.1 |
metis | 5.1.0 |
mfem | 3.3.2 |
mkl | 2018.3.222 |
mpich | 3.2.1 |
mpiP | 3.4.1 |
mumps | 5.1.2 |
mvapich2 | 2.2 |
netcdf | 4.6.1 |
netcdf-cxx | 4.3.0 |
netcdf-fortran | 4.4.4 |
numactl | 2.0.11-GCCcore-6.4.0 |
ocr | 1.0.1 |
ohpc | |
openblas | 0.2.20 |
openmpi3 | 3.1.0 |
papi | 5.6.0 |
pdtoolkit | 3.25 |
petsc | 3.9.1 |
phdf5 | 1.10.2 |
plasma | 2.8.0 |
pmix | 2.1.1 |
pnetcdf | 1.9.0 |
prun | 1.2 |
ptscotch | 6.0.4 |
py2-mpi4py | 3.0.0 |
py2-numpy | 1.14.3 |
py2-scipy | 1.1.0 |
py3-mpi4py | 3.0.0 |
py3-numpy | 1.14.3 |
py3-scipy | 1.1.0 |
R | 3.5.0 |
scalapack | 2.0.2 |
scalasca | 2.3.1 |
scorep | 4.0 |
scotch | 6.0.4 |
singularity | 2.5.1 |
sionlib | 1.7.1 |
slepc | 3.9.1 |
superlu | 5.2.1 |
superlu_dist | 5.3.0 |
tau | 2.27.1 |
trilinos | 12.12.1 |
valgrind | 3.13.0 |
Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-impi Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain and the Intel MPI runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-gnu-impi-ohpc +boost-intel-impi-ohpc +hypre-gnu-impi-ohpc +hypre-intel-impi-ohpc +mumps-gnu-impi-ohpc +mumps-intel-impi-ohpc +petsc-gnu-impi-ohpc +petsc-intel-impi-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-impi-ohpc +scalapack-intel-impi-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-impi-ohpc +superlu_dist-intel-impi-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-impi-ohpc +trilinos-intel-impi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-ganglia Group-Id: ohpc-ganglia Description: Collection of Ganglia monitoring and metrics packages Mandatory Packages:
ganglia-gmetad-ohpc ganglia-gmond-ohpc +ganglia-gmond-python-ohpc ganglia-ohpc ganglia-web-ohpc
Group: ohpc-autotools Group-Id: ohpc-autotools Description: Collection of GNU autotools packages Mandatory Packages:
autoconf-ohpc automake-ohpc libtool-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-mpich Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-mpich Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain and the MPICH runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-gnu-mpich-ohpc +fftw-gnu-mpich-ohpc +hypre-gnu-mpich-ohpc +mumps-gnu-mpich-ohpc +petsc-gnu-mpich-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-mpich-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-mpich-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-mpich-ohpc
Group: ohpc-io-libs-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-io-libs-gnu Description: OpenHPC IO library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+adios-gnu-mpich-ohpc +adios-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +adios-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +hdf5-gnu-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-gnu-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-gnu-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +netcdf-gnu-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +phdf5-gnu-mpich-ohpc +phdf5-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +phdf5-gnu-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-serial-libs-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-serial-libs-gnu Description: OpenHPC serial library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+gsl-gnu-ohpc +metis-gnu-ohpc openblas-gnu-ohpc +superlu-gnu-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+boost-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +boost-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +fftw-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc fftw-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +hypre-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +hypre-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +mumps-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +mumps-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +petsc-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +petsc-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-serial-libs-intel Group-Id: ohpc-serial-libs-intel Description: OpenHPC serial library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+metis-intel-ohpc +superlu-intel-ohpc
Group: ohpc-nagios Group-Id: ohpc-nagios Description: Collection of Nagios monitoring and metrics packages Mandatory Packages:
nagios-ohpc nagios-plugins-all-ohpc nrpe-ohpc
Group: ohpc-slurm-server Group-Id: ohpc-slurm-server Description: OpenHPC server packages for SLURM Mandatory Packages:
munge-devel-ohpc munge-libs-ohpc munge-ohpc slurm-devel-ohpc -slurm-munge-ohpc slurm-ohpc slurm-perlapi-ohpc -slurm-plugins-ohpc =slurm-slurmdb-direct-ohpc slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc -slurm-sql-ohpc
Group: ohpc-io-libs-intel Group-Id: ohpc-io-libs-intel Description: OpenHPC IO library builds for use with Intel parallel studio toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+adios-gnu-impi-ohpc +adios-intel-impi-ohpc +adios-intel-mpich-ohpc +adios-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +adios-intel-openmpi-ohpc +hdf5-intel-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-gnu-impi-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-intel-impi-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-intel-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-cxx-intel-openmpi-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-gnu-impi-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-intel-impi-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-intel-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-fortran-intel-openmpi-ohpc +netcdf-gnu-impi-ohpc +netcdf-intel-impi-ohpc +netcdf-intel-mpich-ohpc +netcdf-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +netcdf-intel-openmpi-ohpc +phdf5-gnu-impi-ohpc +phdf5-intel-impi-ohpc +phdf5-intel-mpich-ohpc +phdf5-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +phdf5-intel-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-perf-tools-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-perf-tools-gnu Description: OpenHPC performance tool builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+imb-gnu-mpich-ohpc +imb-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +imb-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +mpiP-gnu-mpich-ohpc +mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +mpiP-gnu-openmpi-ohpc papi-ohpc +scalasca-gnu-mpich-ohpc +scalasca-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +scalasca-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +tau-gnu-mpich-ohpc +tau-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +tau-gnu-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-mpich Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-mpich Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain and the MPICH runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-intel-mpich-ohpc +hypre-intel-mpich-ohpc +mumps-intel-mpich-ohpc +petsc-intel-mpich-ohpc +scalapack-intel-mpich-ohpc +superlu_dist-intel-mpich-ohpc +trilinos-intel-mpich-ohpc
Group: ohpc-python-libs-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-python-libs-gnu Description: OpenHPC python related library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
python-numpy-gnu-ohpc +python-scipy-gnu-mpich-ohpc +python-scipy-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +python-scipy-gnu-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-mvapich2 Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-mvapich2 Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain and the MVAPICH2 runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +fftw-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +hypre-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +mumps-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +petsc-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-mvapich2-ohpc
Group: ohpc-slurm-client Group-Id: ohpc-slurm-client Description: OpenHPC client packages for SLURM Mandatory Packages:
munge-ohpc +slurm-munge-ohpc slurm-ohpc +slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc +slurm-plugins-ohpc +slurm-sjobexit-ohpc
Group: ohpc-python-libs-intel Group-Id: ohpc-python-libs-intel Description: OpenHPC python related library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain Mandatory Packages:
Group: ohpc-warewulf Group-Id: ohpc-warewulf Description: Collection of base packages for Warewulf provisioning Mandatory Packages:
warewulf-cluster-ohpc warewulf-common-ohpc warewulf-provision-ohpc warewulf-provision-server-ohpc warewulf-vnfs-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-mvapich2 Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-mvapich2 Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain and the MVAPICH2 runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +hypre-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +mumps-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +petsc-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +scalapack-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +superlu_dist-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +trilinos-intel-mvapich2-ohpc
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-openmpi Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-intel-openmpi Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain and the OpenMPI runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-intel-openmpi-ohpc +hypre-intel-openmpi-ohpc +mumps-intel-openmpi-ohpc +petsc-intel-openmpi-ohpc +scalapack-intel-openmpi-ohpc +superlu_dist-intel-openmpi-ohpc +trilinos-intel-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-base-compute Group-Id: ohpc-base-compute Description: OpenHPC compute node base packages Mandatory Packages:
libicu +numactl
Group: ohpc-perf-tools-intel Group-Id: ohpc-perf-tools-intel Description: OpenHPC performance tool builds for use with Intel Parallel Studio toolchain Mandatory Packages:
+imb-gnu-impi-ohpc +imb-intel-impi-ohpc +imb-intel-mpich-ohpc +imb-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +imb-intel-openmpi-ohpc +mpiP-gnu-impi-ohpc +mpiP-intel-impi-ohpc +mpiP-intel-mpich-ohpc +mpiP-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +mpiP-intel-openmpi-ohpc papi-ohpc +scalasca-gnu-impi-ohpc +scalasca-intel-impi-ohpc +scalasca-intel-mpich-ohpc +scalasca-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +scalasca-intel-openmpi-ohpc +tau-gnu-impi-ohpc +tau-intel-impi-ohpc +tau-intel-mpich-ohpc +tau-intel-mvapich2-ohpc +tau-intel-openmpi-ohpc
Group: ohpc-runtimes-gnu Group-Id: ohpc-runtimes-gnu Description: OpenHPC runtimes for use with GNU compiler toolchain Mandatory Packages:
Group: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-openmpi Group-Id: ohpc-parallel-libs-gnu-openmpi Description: OpenHPC parallel library builds for use with GNU compiler toolchain and the OpenMPI runtime Mandatory Packages:
+boost-gnu-openmpi-ohpc fftw-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +hypre-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +mumps-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +petsc-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +scalapack-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +superlu_dist-gnu-openmpi-ohpc +trilinos-gnu-openmpi-ohpc